鐜嬬殦瀹?span lang="en-us">(璁插笀)
瀛?/span>鍘?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ鏍?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ闄?/span> |
鏃?/span>闂?/span> |
鍗?/span>澹?/span> |
姝︽眽澶у |
鐗╃悊绉戝涓庢妧鏈闄?/span> |
2010.9-2015.6 |
鏈?/span>绉?/span> |
姝︽眽澶у |
鐗╃悊绉戝涓庢妧鏈闄?/span> |
2006.9-2010.6 |
(1) h. tao, h. n. wang*, y. c. bai, h. y. zhao, q. m. fu, z .b. ma, h. long, efficient photodiode-type photodetectors with perovskite thin films derived from an mapbi3 single-crystal precursor, journal of materials chemistry c 2020, 8: 6228
(2) j. e. li, w. b. li, j. h. gu, z. y. zhong, c. y. yang, j. hou, h. tao, j. l. du, x. d. li, l. j. xu, s. g. wan, h. long*, h. n. wang*, carrier transport improvement in zno/mgzno multiple-quantum-well ultraviolet light-emitting diodes by energy band modification on mgzno barriers, optics communications 2020 459: 124978.
(3) h. tao, h. n. wang*, y. c. bai, h. long, h. y. zhao, q. m. fu, z. b. ma, effects of sputtering power of sno2 electron selective layer on perovskite solar cells. journal of materials science: materials in electronics 2019, 30(13): 12036
(4) h. n. wang, h. long, z. chen, x. m. mo, s. z. li, z. y. zhong, g. j. fang, fabrication and characterization of alternating-current-driven zno-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. electronic materials letters 2015, 11(4): 664-669
(5) h. n. wang, h. long, x. m. mo, z. chen, s. z. li, h. h. huang, y. p. liu, g. j. fang, near white electroluminescence from self-supporting zno nanocone array based heterojunction light-emitting diodes. materials research express 2015, 2(03): 035005.
(6) h. n. wang, g. j. fang, h. long, s. z. li, x. m. mo, h. h. huang, h. zhou, x. z. zhao, ultraviolet electroluminescence properties of the p-nio/n-gan-based heterojunction diodes. semiconductor science and technology 2011, 26 (12): 125015.
2.鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾闈笂椤圭洰锛屾哀鍖栭攲闀佸绂佸甫鍗婂浣?span lang="en-us">pin寮傝川缁?span lang="en-us">x灏勭嚎鎺㈡祴鍣紝鍙備笌锛?span lang="en-us">2021-2024