瀛?/span> 鍘?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ鏍?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ闄?/span> |
鏃?/span> 闂?/span> |
鍗氬+鍚?/span> |
鐢靛瓙绉戞妧澶у |
鐢靛瓙钖勮啘涓庨泦鎴愬櫒浠跺浗瀹堕噸鐐瑰疄楠屽 |
2004-2006 |
鍗?/span> 澹?/span> |
鍗庝腑绉戞妧澶у |
鐗╃悊瀛﹂櫌 |
2000-2004 |
纭?/span> 澹?/span> |
鍗庝腑绉戞妧澶у |
鐗╃悊瀛﹂櫌 |
1992-1995 |
涓绘寔5椤圭鐮旇棰?/span>(鍏朵腑2椤规箹鍖楃渷鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾: 2011cdb418, 2009cdb166); 鍙備笌澶氶」鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾銆佸浗瀹堕珮鎶€鏈爺绌跺彂灞曡鍒掋€佸浗闃查噸鐐瑰熀閲戙€佸浗闃查鐮斿熀閲戙€佸浗闃茬宸ュ椤圭洰绛夎棰樼殑鐮旂┒銆?/span>
鍦?/span>materials letters, journal of alloys and compounds, microelectronics journal, international journal of electronics, journal of materials science: materials in electronics,銆婁汉宸ユ櫠浣撳鎶ャ€嬪拰銆婄湡绌虹瀛︿笌鎶€鏈鎶ャ€嬬瓑鍥藉唴澶栭噸瑕佸鏈湡鍒婁笂鍙戣〃璁烘枃90浣欑瘒, 鍏朵腑sci鏀跺綍20浣欑瘒銆?/span>ei鏀跺綍50浣欑瘒銆?/span>
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閭锛?a href="mailto:zhongzhiyou@163.com">zhongzhiyou@163.com