涓佹槉 璁插笀
瀛?/span>鍘?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ鏍?/span> |
鎵€瀛︿笓涓?/span> |
鏃?/span>闂?/span> |
鍗氬+ |
姝︽眽澶у鐢靛瓙淇℃伅瀛﹂櫌 |
淇″彿涓庝俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓?/span> |
2006-2012 |
鍗氬+ |
鍏嬭幈钂欒垂鏈楃浜屽ぇ瀛?/span> |
璁$畻鏈轰笓涓?/span> |
2007-2012 |
纭曞+ |
鍗庝腑绉戞妧澶у鐢靛瓙涓庝俊鎭伐绋嬬郴 |
淇″彿涓庝俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓?/span> |
2002-2005 |
鏈 |
鍗庝腑绉戞妧澶у鐢靛瓙涓庝俊鎭伐绋嬬郴 |
閫氫俊宸ョ▼涓撲笟 |
1998-2002 |
鏃犵嚎浼犳劅鍣ㄧ綉缁滐紙wireless sensor network锛?/span>
鍘嬬缉鎰熺煡锛?/span>compressed sensing锛?/span>
1.婀栧寳鐪佽嚜鐒剁瀛﹀熀閲?/span> :鍩轰簬鐗╄仈缃戞妧鏈鏈惡甯﹁澶囩殑鐢熷懡浣撶洰鏍囪繘琛屽畾浣嶇殑鐮旂┒. (鍩洪噾鍙?/span>2014cfb290 )
2.the national science foundation of china : 鍩轰簬鏃犵嚎灞傛瀽鎴愬儚鎶€鏈殑浼犳劅鍣ㄧ綉缁滄棤婧愮洰鏍囧畾浣嶅拰璺熻釜 (鍩洪噾鍙?/span> 61402544 );
[1]ding hao, hou kun-mean et al, toward a low cost and single chip holter: soc-holter, j. netw., v 6, n 2, p 181-189, 2011. (ei).
[2] ding hao, sun hong, hou kun-mean, abnormal ecg signal detection based on compressed sampling in wearable ecg sensor, int. conf. wirel. commun. signal process., wcsp. (ei).
[3] ding hao, sun hong, hou kun-mean, direct cardiac arrhythmia detection via compressed measurements, j. comput. inf. syst., v 8, n 7, p 2769-2779, 2012. (ei).
[4] cooperation with xiaobin xu. a new wireless fiber optic sensor for monitoring breath motion. new technologies, mobility and security, 2008. ntms '08. 5-7 nov. tangier. 2008.
[5] hao ding, kun mean hou,et al. toward a low cost and single chip holter: soc-holter. 3rd ieee/ifip conference on new technology mobility and security (ntms), cairo, egypt, december 2009.
[6] cooperation with chen yibo. 6lowpan stacks: a survey. 7th international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing (wicom), 2011.
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